I have been on radio silence for a week as I move into Nellie. It is a much bigger job than I expected! I try to remind myself to enjoy the journey as much as the destination, and I do enjoy organizing and decorating, but this has been a lot of work.
In the South there’s an old phrase, “Ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.” Yup, it’s sort of like that. But, after another round of purging in earnest, I am all moved in.
I am still staying in the neighborhood where The Atomic Abode sits, and the Abode’s new owners are moving in as well. I thought I might feel uncomfortable to see them in the house, but it doesn’t bother me in the least bit; I am too busy getting ready for MY next thing. The past life is officially in my rearview mirror.
I am sleeping at Barbara’s, the Pod is in front of The Atomic Abode, Olive is being watched by Jill and Holly as needed, Nellie is parked in Mina’s vacant lot, the CR-V is in Ann’s driveway while she is on vacation, Randy helps with the heavy or cumbersome stuff, I am using Ann’s garbage and recycling bins this week, and anything I purge goes to Bob at the end of the block for his perpetual garage sale. I am so blessed to have such wonderful, thoughtful, generous neighbors. I will miss them dearly.
I will be off to the Get Outdoors Expo in Olympia on Saturday (more on that later), so you if you are in the Seattle area feel free to drop by for a tour today or tomorrow, or for about seven to ten more days starting Sunday. After that I am likely to be at Izzy’s or Rhonda’s in Port Orchard, in between camping trips.
After all the planning and purging and pontificating and perseverating, the time is finally here!
This Post Has 6 Comments
Here’s to a new journey! Cheers!
Beautiful beast you have there! How big is Nellie and how did you come up with her name?
Hi there, Benny! Thanks for stopping by to say hello. The prior owners had already named her Nellie and I like the alliteration – Nellie the Newmar. My first signature cocktail is going to be made with bourbon and I am calling at the “Whoah, Nellie!”
Whee! This is gonna be FUN! 😀
Way to go! I’m here looking for ideas. What I’d like to find is a Ventana 3434 (produced 2011, 12, & 13). It appears you’ve changed the finish on your cabinets and possibly other surfaces. I’d appreciate knowing how you did that, how happy you are with the results, and what you might do differently. I’d enjoy seeing more photos. The ones I’ve seen have been spectacular.
I finally found the one year anniversary post again. Very informative post. Thank you and happy anniversary!