I am a fan of “cocktail culture,” emphasis on the word “cocktail” and maybe not so much on the word “culture.” All I know is I adore a well-made drink, and one of life’s pleasures is reverse-engineering a cocktail at home that blew me away at a bar or restaurant. Some people cook as a hobby. For me, it’s mixing adult beverages.
As I travel the country, I’ll be sampling some of the local libations, sharing them with you, and creating specialty cocktails myself in homage to my temporary home. In the RV I will be much more limited in the ingredients at my disposal, but that will be part of the fun and the challenge. These will be the drinks you can make at home, or in your own home on wheels.
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Darn, there is just going to be too much great stuff on your blog…I’m going to have to reduce my work hours just to read it all! (jk) We often have a cocktail somewhere, love it, get instructions on how to make it and in the sobering light of the next day, realize we didn’t pay attention well enough and can’t replicate it. Looking forward to trying out your creations!
Man, have I ever been there, Alice. I just posted the recipe for my Camping Margaritas – guaranteed, straightforward and foolproof!